
Showing posts from February, 2020

Our Verification Process

Hi Everybody, I just wanted to answer a question I've been asked a few times and that is.... What is your process for verifying the pet sitters who’ll be taking care of my furry family friends in my home?So I’ve attached our process below and hope this helps. If you have any further questions I’m always glad to help.... Thanks and speak soon, Jane  Pet Sit Global Owner  Our Verification Process We offer three levels of verification Basic, Standard and Prime. Once you have completed each level of verification a ‘Verification Star’ is displayed on your profile. Basic Level Verification (FREE) (Bronze Star) Phone number, Email address and character reference from an employer, landlord or someone you have previously pet/home sat for. Standard Level Verification (FREE) (Silver Star) Full name, DOB, Passport, Drivers licence or National identity card. You will also need to verify your residential address (where your bank details are registered to)

Welcome to Pet Sit Global

Welcome to the first of hopefully many blogs about our exciting pet and home sitting global business. Pet Sit Global are based in central London and are looking forward to helping lots of you animal lovers across the globe to connect and enjoy pet and home sitting in exchange for free accommodation. Imagine for a moment pet sitting or indeed home sitting at beautiful destinations around the world and the best part is..... you get to stay there for FREE, Yes you heard me right, totally free in exchange for pet sitting your favourite animals. So here we have it Pet & Home Sitting = Free accommodation As a pet owner you want your beloved little friends to be taken care of and to not be stressed out with the upheaval of being taken to kennels and having their whole worlds and routines turned upside down for a couple of weeks. Our Sitters will come to stay at your home and look after your beloved pets with the added bonus of having someone house sit also (which is also grea